Purpose statement
This procedure establishes eligibility requirements; identifies the types of funding available; and outlines application, approval and monitoring requirements to receive community assistance funding from the Town of Oakville.
Community assistance funding is available only to Oakville-based, charitable organizations which exist for the purpose of providing municipally-related programs, services or projects specifically to the residents of Oakville subject to criteria and limitations contained herein.
Funding requests involving local arts and culture organizations and certain recreation and community protection related activities are not covered by this procedure and will be forwarded to the appropriate town or agency service. They may be covered under other policies and procedures which include, but are not limited to;
- The Cultural Grants program - administered by the Oakville Arts Council on behalf of the Town of Oakville.
- Oakville Arts Council Grant
- Historical Society Grant
- Halton Learning Foundation - Playground Grant
- Storm Sewer Laterals and Private Storm Sewer lateral Grant Program
Organizations requesting funding for a purpose which meets the criteria of a funding opportunity offered by another level of government will be referred to that funding source. In addition, assistance received should not be considered as the primary source of funding. The applicant must show that there has been exploration of other financial support mechanisms (i.e. fundraising) prior to making the request and adequate volunteer support.
Types of funding available
Community assistance funding is limited to special project funding and in-kind contributions, geared to assisting groups with specific one-time projects to be carried out during the calendar year in which the assistance is provided. Assistance provided may include:
- Direct Grants
- Fee waivers (permits etc.)
- Municipal Staff support
Restrictions to requests for community assistance funding
Community assistance funding will not be provided:
- To religious organizations for sacred or sectarian purposes;
- To political parties, ridings, associations and candidates;
- To individuals;
- For donations to charitable causes;
- For debt retirement;
- As replacement for other funding sources;
- To commercial and/or third-party fundraising individuals;
- To coalitions such as ratepayer or tenant/landlord associations, or to support programs or services geared specifically to these groups;
- On a retroactive basis for purposes which have already occurred unless approved by Council;
- For travel;
- For requests that are $5,000 or less.
Community assistance funding is available only where the organization can demonstrate that there is:
- community support for the programs, services, or projects offered by the group; and
- a need for financial assistance; and that adequate funding for the programs or services is not available from other sources.
An applicant organization must meet the following criteria in order to be considered for community assistance funding:
- Be a charitable organization initiating or delivering programs and services to the municipality. The specific service, program or activity for which funding is requested must also be not-for-profit in nature.
- Operate under a formal organizational structure with an active Board of Directors and/or Executive committee/Officers.
- Be based in Oakville, with a majority of members being Oakville residents.
- Offer services, programs and activities that primarily benefit Oakville citizens.
- Be able to demonstrate the fiscal viability and accountability of the organization and of any specific service, program or activity for which funding is being sought.
- Be able to demonstrate that the funding assistance requested from the town supplements funding the organization has received through other sources and its own fundraising efforts.
All requests for community assistance funding shall be by application, directed to the Treasurer or their delegate, and contain;
- Proof of registration as a charitable organization
- Organization structure with Board of Director’s names, positions, and phone numbers;
- Information about the organization and how its programs or services benefit the community;
- A statement of the organization’s goals and objectives, constitution and by-laws or, operating guidelines;
- The amount of financial assistance requested, including where the funds will be used;
- A current business plan/budget as well as audited financial statements for the immediately preceding year;
- Completed application form shown in Appendix A.
Requests shall be reviewed having regard to the extent to which the proposal positively contributes to the community. Requests will be reviewed by a representative from the appropriate Commission and the Finance department. Those that are ineligible for community assistance funding and whose applications will receive no further consideration will be advised in writing, but may make representation to the Administrative Services Committee (ASC) at the appropriate time. The remaining requests that meet the eligibility criteria will be further reviewed in detail by Finance staff. Staff will consult with the appropriate line department, with other organizations providing community assistance funding, or with other organizations providing similar services in the course of determining whether the request should be recommended for funding. The review will also take into account budgetary constraints which may result in a lesser amount being recommended or the request being denied.
Staff will present the application and its recommendations to the ASC. All applicants will be notified of the recommendation regarding their particular group prior to the meeting date. Applicants will be invited to attend the ASC meeting to speak to the issue. The ASC’s recommendations will be forwarded to Council for consideration and final decision.
Community funding assistance may not be used for purposes other than the purposes approved by Council. If such assistance is used for a purpose other than that approved by Council, it must be repaid. An organization receiving other than in-kind contributions will be required to provide verification through financial statements or receipts that the financial assistance provided was expended according to the resolution of support approved by Council.
Town Acknowledgement
Community assistance recipients will be required to acknowledge the support of the Town of Oakville in all advertising, publicity, programs, signage and plaques relating to the project for which funds were provided. The recipient may not represent the town as a partner, or hold the town responsible for any obligations relating to the project.
Charitable organization: as defined by Canada Revenue Agency - Registered charities are charitable organizations, public foundations, or private foundations that are created and resident in Canada. They must use their resources for charitable activities and have charitable purposes that fall into one or more of the following categories:
- the relief of poverty
- the advancement of education
- the advancement of religion
- other purposes that benefit the community
In-Kind Contributions: are based on the provision of municipal property, materials or resources to an applicant, and do not include the provision of cash funds either to, or on behalf of, the applicant. While cash funds are not provided in relation to In-Kind contributions, it is recognized that such contributions will involve either an expense or foregone revenue for the municipality. Each application for In-Kind contributions will include the estimated value of the application under consideration.
Special Project Contributions: are defined as any one-time or first-time project that is of significance to the community.
The Treasurer is responsible to ensure that this procedure is complied with.