The Lot Maintenance By-law regulates the accumulation of garbage and debris on private property, the use of land for wrecking, salvaging motoring vehicles, and prohibits the placement of graffiti on property in the Town of Oakville
The town’s property standards by-law
- requires all property owners to maintain their properties so they are kept neat and tidy, free of garbage
- regulates the basic standards for maintenance and aesthetics of exterior of a property in the town
- grass and weeds cannot exceed 20.33 centimetres (8 inches) in height
- sets out grass cutting, garbage, wood storage, weed control and material disposal standards
- requires dead, decayed or damaged trees and branches be removed
Non-compliance with the by-law may result in fees and charges under the Administrative Penalty By-law 2021-038.
Read the consolidated Lot Maintenance By-law 2017-008 (pdf).