Planning ahead so Oakville is rain ready!

For fifty years, Oakville has had a stormwater system in place. To ensure a long-term improvement for stormwater management, we are developing a Stormwater Master Plan called "Be rain ready".

To protect residents from flooding, while also preserving our natural environment, the master plan will help guide:

  • town staff, using short and long-term steps, so we can always be improving our approach to stormwater management and climate change
  • Oakville residents using tips for how to reduce the risk of flooding on their property.

This project will be rolled out in three phases

  • Phase 1: Assess the condition of the existing stormwater system and collected background data. This phase was completed in 2015.
  • Phase 2: Assess the performance of the existing stormwater system to identify opportunities to decrease flood risk. This phase was completed in 2020.
  • Phase 3: Develop and assess funding strategies to implement the plan. This phase is underway, starting winter 2021.

Phase 1 Storm Sewer Master Plan

Phase 2 Be Rain Ready Stormwater Master Plan

Appendices are available upon request.

Project contact

Kristina Parker, P.Eng.
Water Resources Engineer
Development Engineering
905-845-6601, ext. 3889