Oakville's Town Council is the legislated governing body for the municipality of Oakville. Elected councillors are responsible for:

  • Setting policy direction for the town
  • Authorizing revenues/expenditures to provide Oakville residents with municipal services that meet the needs and expectations of the community
  • Overseeing the business of the Town of Oakville Corporation
  • Reviewing land use and development issues

Oakville Council's official statement against racism

The town joins the Black community in condemning anti-Black racism, and supports efforts to come together to forge a stronger, more united future for all.

Please review Council’s official statement on racism.

Contact Council

Email Council at council@oakville.ca or use the links on this page for more ways to connect with the Mayor and individual Members of Council.

Social media accounts and personal websites of Members of Council are used to express personal views and are not necessarily those of the town.